
Motivated by a construction in the theory of cluster algebras (Fomin and Zelevinsky), one associates to each acyclic directed graph a family of sequences of natural integers, one for each vertex; this construction is called a {\em frieze}; these sequences are given by nonlinear recursions (with division), and the fact that they are integers is a consequence of the Laurent phenomenon of Fomin and Zelevinsky. If the sequences satisfy a linear recursion with constant coefficients, then the graph must be a Dynkin diagram or an extended Dynkin diagram, with an acyclic orientation. The converse also holds: the sequences of the frieze associated to an oriented Dynkin or Euclidean diagram satisfy linear recursions, and are even $\mathbb N$-rational. One uses in the proof objects called $SL_2$-{\em tilings of the plane}, which are fillings of the discrete plane such that each adjacent 2 by 2 minor is equal to 1. These objects, which have applications in the theory of cluster algebras, are interesting for themselves. Some problems, conjectures and exercises are given.

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