
A Seabeam-based reconnaissance of the 500 km of the East Pacific Rise crest between 7°N and 2°40′N shows that the axial ridge is segmented by four 4–13 km non-transform offsets into an en echelon string of distinctively different linear volcanoes. These axial volcanoes are oriented orthogonal to relative plate motion, except where their overlapping ends veer 15° toward each other and where small intra-volcano offsets of their crestal rift zones create abrupt kinks. Longitudinal gradients of the crestlines are less than 5 m/km, except where they plunge at rift-zones' overlapped ends and where they rise locally to small axial peaks. Transverse profiles vary from trapezoidal to triangular, with a steep shield-shaped cross-section being most common. Conventional sounding data indicate that this pattern continues to the 140 km-offset Siqueiros transform fault system at 8.2°N. Within this fault system is a short spreadingcenter volcano contained in a rift valley that links two strike-slip fault zones. Immediately to the north is the shallow 9.0°–8.3°N axial volcano, with unusual relief mapped by a deeply towed instrument package. At the southern end of the plate boundary, as the rise crest enters the region of the Pacific-Cocos-Nazca triple junction, the axial ridge narrows, deepens, and acquires a more irregular long profile. South of 2°30′N the rise crest has a 15 km-wide rift valley that contains multiple volcanic ridges with north-south strikes. Structural hypotheses suggested or supported by these morphologic observations include a point-source magma supply to the spreading center from mantle diapirs, the along-strike continuity of axial magma chambers on fast-spreading rises, even across small rift-zone offsets, and the importance of magma intrusion as well as eruption for building the axial ridge. Hypotheses inconsistent with the new data include magma supply and long-distance dispersal from a few widely spaced plumes, primary control of the topographic, volcanic, and tectonic characteristics of the rise crest by distance from transform faults, and localization of triple junctions over major mantle upwellings.

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