
Causal effect estimation from observational data is a fundamental task in empirical sciences. It becomes particularly challenging when unobserved confounders are involved in a system. This paper focuses on front-door adjustment – a classic technique which, using observed mediators allows to identify causal effects even in the presence of unobserved confounding. While the statistical properties of the front-door estimation are quite well understood, its algorithmic aspects remained unexplored for a long time. In 2022, Jeong, Tian, and Bareinboim presented the first polynomial-time algorithm for finding sets satisfying the front-door criterion in a given directed acyclic graph (DAG), with an O(n³(n+m)) run time, where n denotes the number of variables and m the number of edges of the causal graph. In our work, we give the first linear-time, i.e., O(n+m), algorithm for this task, which thus reaches the asymptotically optimal time complexity. This result implies an O(n(n+m)) delay enumeration algorithm of all front-door adjustment sets, again improving previous work by a factor of n³. Moreover, we provide the first linear-time algorithm for finding a minimal front-door adjustment set. We offer implementations of our algorithms in multiple programming languages to facilitate practical usage and empirically validate their feasibility, even for large graphs.

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