
Abstract Linear vector functions of vectors, and the related dyadic notation, are important in the study of rigid body motion and the covariant formulations of relativistic mechanics. These functions have a rich structure, with up to nine independent parameters needed to characterise them, and vector outputs that need not even have the same directions as the vector inputs. The subject of linear vector operators merits a chapter to itself not only for its importance in analytical mechanics, but also because study of it will help the reader to master the operator formalism of quantum mechanics. This chapter defines linear operators and discusses operators and matrices as well as special operators, dyadics, resolution of unity, complex vectors and operators, real and complex inner products, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, eigenvectors of real symmetric operator, eigenvectors of real anti-symmetric operator, normal operators, determinant and trace of normal operator, eigen-dyadic expansion of normal operator, functions of normal operators, exponential function, and Dirac notation.

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