
The development of models and approaches for controlling the spreading dynamics of epileptic seizures is an essential step towards new therapies for people with pharmacologically resistant epilepsy. Beyond resective neurosurgery, in which epileptogenic zones (EZs) are the target of surgery, closed-loop control based on intracranial electrical stimulation, applied at the very early stage of seizure evolution, has been the main alternative, e.g. the RNS system from NeuroPace (Mountain View, CA). In this approach the electrical stimulation is delivered to target brain areas after detection of seizure initiation in the EZ. Here, we examined, on model simulations, some of the closed-loop control aspects of the problem. Seizure dynamics and spread are typically modeled with highly nonlinear dynamics on complex brain networks. Despite the nonlinearity and complexity, currently available optimal feedback control approaches are mostly based on linear approximations. Alternative machine learning control approaches might require amounts of data beyond what is commonly available in the intended application. We thus examined how standard linear feedback control approaches perform when applied to nonlinear models of neural dynamics of seizure generation and spread. In particular, we considered patient-specific epileptor network models for seizure onset and spread. The models incorporate network connectivity derived from (diffusion MRI) white-matter tractography, have been shown to capture the qualitative dynamics of epileptic seizures and can be fit to patient data. For control, we considered simple linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulators. The LQG control was based on a discrete-time state-space model derived from the linearization of the patient-specific epileptor network model around a stable fixed point in the regime of preictal dynamics. We show in simulations that LQG regulators acting on the EZ node during the initial seizure period tend to be unstable. The LQG solution for the control law in this case leads to global feedback to the EZ-node actuator. However, if the LQG solution is constrained to depend on only local feedback originating from the EZ node itself, the controller is stable. In this case, we demonstrate that localized LQG can easily terminate the seizure at the early stage and prevent spread. In the context of optimal feedback control based on linear approximations, our results point to the need for investigating in more detail feedback localization and additional relevant control targets beyond epileptogenic zones.

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