
A variety of unicellular algae, thylakoids from higher plants in different stages of maturity and isolated pigment-protein complexes were oriented in stretched polyvinyl alcohol films. Low temperature linear dichroism (LD) spectra of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and higher plant thylakoids in the films were very similar to those obtained after orientation of similar samples using magnetic or electric fields. Positive LD bands corresponding to Chl a (670) and (682) and negative bands due to Chl a (658) and Chl b (648) were resolved in spectra of the light harvesting Chl a/b protein. Chl b (648) and Chl a (658) and (670) were not seen in the LD spectrum of thylakoids from plants grown in intermittent light, the Chl b-less mutant of barley, Euglena gracilis or the cyanobacteria, Phormidium luridum and Anacystis nidulans, but did appear upon chloroplast maturation in Romaine lettuce and during the greening of etiolated and intermittent light plants. The highly oriented long wavelength Chl a (682) in the light-harvesting complex may represent residual PS II whose peak dichroism is centered at 681 nm. The PS I preparation had a Chl a b ratio of approx. 6 and the LD spectrum was positive with a maximum at 690–694 nm and a band of lower amplitude at 652 nm. The minor LD band was not observed in PS I preparations from organisms that lack Chl b such as the cyanobacteria, intermittent light plants and the Chl b-less mutant of barley. We suggest that the 652 nm band is due to Chl b molecules associated with the antenna of PS I and are distinct from those on the light harvesting complex whose orientation is different. We also conclude that all the Chl a forms are oriented and that the long geometric axes of the pigment-protein complexes, as deduced from the configuration they assume in the stretched films, are axes that normally lie parallel to the plane of the native thylakoid.

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