
The data on the resistance and magnetoresistance (MR) as well as measurements of the linear and nonlinear susceptibilities are presented for a Nd 0.75Ba 0.25MnO 3 single crystal with the Curie temperature T C ≈129 K. Although this compound remains insulating in the ferromagnetic state, its resistance has an anomaly near T C and it reveals the colossal magnetoresistance. The data on the magnetic response are well described by the dynamic scaling theory for 3D isotropic ferromagnets in the paramagnetic critical region at τ>τ ∗≈0.11, τ=( T− T C)/ T C. Below τ ∗ an anomalous critical behavior is found that suggests the coexistence of two magnetic phases. This behavior is discussed in terms of a phase separation which can occur in the moderately doped manganites exhibiting an orbital ordering.

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