
Polar codes are constructed based on kernels with polarizing properties. The performance of a polar code is characterized asymptotically in terms of the exponent of its kernel. The pioneering work of Arikan on polar codes is based on a linear kernel of dimension two and exponent 0.5. In this paper, constructions of linear and nonlinear binary kernels of dimensions up to 16 are presented. The kernels are obtained using computer search or by shortening longer kernels obtained by computer search and a computer program is used to determine their exponents. It is proved that the constructed kernels have maximum exponents except in the case of nonlinear kernels of dimension 12 where it is demonstrated that the maximum exponent either equals that of the presented construction or assumes another specified value. The results show that the minimum dimension for which there exists a linear kernel with exponent greater than 0.5, i.e., exceeds the exponent of the linear kernel proposed by Arikan, is 15, while this minimum dimension is 14 for nonlinear kernels. Furthermore, it is shown that there is a linear kernel with maximum exponent up to dimension 11. For dimensions 13, 14, 15, and 16, there are nonlinear kernels with exponents larger than any of that of a linear kernel. The kernels of these dimensions that have maximum exponent, although nonlinear over $ \textrm {GF}(2)$ , are $\mathbb {Z}_{4}$ -linear or $\mathbb {Z}_{2}\mathbb {Z}_{4}$ -linear.

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