
Growing evidence suggests that neuropeptide signaling shapes auditory computations. We previously showed that neuropeptide Y (NPY) is expressed in the inferior colliculus (IC) by a population of GABAergic stellate neurons and that NPY regulates the strength of local excitatory circuits in the IC. NPY neurons were initially characterized using the NPY-hrGFP mouse, in which humanized renilla Green Fluorescent Protein (hrGFP) expression indicates NPY expression at the time of assay, i.e., an expression-tracking approach. However, studies in other brain regions have shown that NPY expression can vary based on several factors, suggesting that the NPY-hrGFP mouse might miss NPY neurons not expressing NPY on the experiment date. Here, we hypothesized that neurons with the ability to express NPY represent a larger population of IC GABAergic neurons than previously reported. To test this hypothesis, we used a lineage-tracing approach to irreversibly tag neurons that expressed NPY at any point prior to the experiment date. We then compared the physiological and anatomical features of neurons labeled with this lineage-tracing approach to our prior data set, revealing a larger population of NPY neurons than previously found. In addition, we used optogenetics to test the local connectivity of NPY neurons and found that NPY neurons routinely provide inhibitory synaptic input to other neurons in the ipsilateral IC. Together, our data expand the definition of NPY neurons in the IC, suggest that NPY expression might be dynamically regulated in the IC, and provide functional evidence that NPY neurons form local inhibitory circuits in the IC.

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