
The measurement of the line positions and effective line strengths of the ν3 fundamental band of trans-nitrous acid (trans-HONO) near 1280 cm−1 (7.8 µm) by tunable laser absorption spectroscopy (TLAS) utilizing a room temperature continuous-wave quantum cascade laser (cw-QCL) was reported. The effective line strengths of 30 well-resolved trans-HONO absorption lines in the range of 1279.8–1282.2 cm−1 were determined using the HONO line strength at 1280.3841 cm−1 as a scale. The maximum measurement uncertainty of 7.64% in the line strengths is mainly determined by the uncertainty of the referenced line strength, while the measurement precision of the line positions is better than 5.56 * 10−3 cm−1. The line positions and strengths of the trans-HONO absorption lines obtained in this work provide a reference for continuous gas monitoring and analysis of the sources and sinks of atmospheric HONO.

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