
Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is a rapidly developing biomedical imaging technology. Linear array-based photoacoustic tomography (LA-PAT) is one of the most popular configurations of cross-sectional PAI due to its simplicity and clinical translatability. However, when using an optical fiber for LA-PAT, the optical beam shape is deformed due to rapid divergence and, therefore, a larger area on the tissue is illuminated (and the illumination across the linear array is non-uniform), leading to the acquisition of PA signals outside the desired cross-section, which generates artifacts and degrades image resolution. A Powell lens is an optical element that converts a circular beam profile to a nearly linear flat-top profile. In this paper, a Powell lens is used to generate a uniform line illumination scheme that is evaluated with Zemax OpticStudio 2023 R1.02. The system is then characterized experimentally, and the performance is compared with a conventional illumination scheme in LA-PAT.

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