
The response of infinite isotropic plates submerged in a fluid and subject to spatially uniform temporally harmonic line forces and moments is obtained. The frequencies of the line loads range from f = 0 to f = fc, where fc is the coincidence frequency for plate waves. The power radiated into the fluid per unit length of support due to a normally incident plate wave is also obtained for (1) simple line supports, and (2) clamped supports. The effects of fluid loading on the radiated power are (1) to increase the force and moment reaction of a support to an incident plate wave, and (2) to decrease the power radiation from a line force or moment of given magnitude. The net effect of fluid loading is to decrease the radiated power, but neglect of the first effect would cause a considerable underestimation of the power radiated from supports, for f≪fc. Finally, the transmission of normally incident plate waves past simple line and clamped supports is investigated.

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