
Preface. Diatoms, lake acidification and the Surface Water Acidification Programme (SWAP): a review R.W. Battarbee. Lipid storage in Diaptomus kenayi (Copepoda Calanoida): Effects of inter and intraspecific variation in food quality N.M. Butler. Nitrogen in Pyrenean lakes (Spain) J. Catalan, L. Camarero, E. Garcia, E. Ballesteros, M. Felip. Plankton dynamics in a high mountain lake (Las Yeguas, Sierra Nevada, Spain) L. Cruz-Pizarro, I. Reche, P. Carillo. Acidification of lakes in Sumava (Bohemia) and in the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) J. Fott, M. Prazakova, E. Stuchlik, Z. Stuchlikova. Chemical characteristics of lakes in the High Tatra Mountains J. Kopacek, E. Stuchlik. Paleolimnological records of carotenoids and carbonaceous particles in sediments of some lakes in the Southern Alps A. Lami, A. Marchetto, P. Gullizzoni, A. Giorgis, J. Massaferro. Algal flora of lakes in the High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia J. Lukavsky. Acidification and weathering processes in high mountain lakes in the Southern Alps A. Marchetto, A. Barbieri, R. Mosello, G.A. Tartari. Reconstruction of pH by chrysophycean scales in some lakes of the Southern Alps A. Marchetto, A. Lami. A survey of water chemistry and plankton in high mountain lakes in Northern Swedish Lapland A. Nauwerck. Cyclops scutifers Sars in Lake Latnjajaure, Swedish Lapland A. Nauwerck. Comparison of diatom communities in remote high mountain lakes using index B and cluster analysis P. Niederhauser, F. Schanz. Zooplankton decline in the Cerne Lake (Sumava Mountains, Bohemia) as reflected in the stratification of cladoceran remains in the sediment M. Prazakova, J. Fott. Characterization of carbonaceous particles from lake sediments N.Rose. Autotrophic picoplankton community dynamics in a pre-alpine lake, British Columbia, Canada J.G. Stockner, K.S. Shortreed. Chemical properties of an acidified humic headwater lake H. Thies. Limnological research on northern Apennine lakes (Italy) in relation to eutrophication and acidification risk P. Viaroli, I. Ferrari, G. Paris, G. Rossetti, P. Menozzi. The effect of anthropogenic acidification on the hydrofauna on the lakes in the West Tatra Mountains M. Varnovsky, I. Krno, F. Sporka, J. Tomajka. Chlorophyll--phosphorus relationship in acidified lakes of the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) V. Vyhnalek, J. Fott, J. Kopacek. Acidification of small mountain lakes in the High Tatra Mountains, Poland K. Wojtan, J. Galas.

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