
The Pretoria Salt Pan is shallow (maximum depth 2.85 m) and alkaline (surface water pH varied from 9.6 to 10.9) with pronounced mesothermy (38.2 °C in spring) at a depth of between 0.55 and 0.7 metres. Secchi disc transparencies ranged from 7 to 19 cm. A total ionic concentration gradient increasing from 59 500 mg · l−1 near the surface to 298 000 mg · l−1 at 2.75 metres stabilized the thermally inverted water column. Sodium was the major cation and nearly equal proportions of chloride plus carbonate and bicarbonate accounted for over 98% of the anions. The lake was meromictic with a steep chemocline, persistent thermally inverted temperature profile and complete anoxia at depths greater than 50 cm. The diel pattern of dissolved oxygen distribution involving a nocturnal deoxygenation and diurnal reoxygenation was unusual.

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