
Elsewhere in this volume (Nogueira et al. (2005) Exp Fluids, in press), the conceptual background that explains the possibility of resolving wavelengths smaller than the size of the interrogation window, with no basic restrictions but sampling, has been explained. Here, a practical implementation of the concepts is performed. To achieve this resolution in iterative PIV processing, an appropriate weighting function can be used, as commented in that reference. Here, the constraints for the design of such weighting functions are presented and analysed. This opens a line of work on possible weighting functions to develop, since the weightings used in these iterative methods, like local field correction particle image velocimetry (LFC-PIV) (Nogueira et al. (1999) Exp Fluids 27(2):107–116), have not been optimised yet. As an example, different weighting functions are commented and tested both on synthetic and real images. The results on these new weightings indicate that the current ones can be improved and the optimisation criteria are open for further advancement.

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