
Slang in the speech of a modern person occupies a significant place, displacing general literary vocabulary. This situation is explained by the special expressiveness of slangisms. Almost every native speaker has an idea about this layer of the national language. The appearance of slang is due to changes associated with a change in the socio-political situation, which led to the intensive penetration of non-standardized vocabulary into the colloquial literary language. There was not only a democratization of society, but also of the language. The lexical composition is actively changing in the youth environment. Most often, knowledge of slang is associated with youth speech. In studies of the phenomenon of slang, the problem of terminological definition remains unresolved. In the works, as a rule, the term "jargon" is used as an equivalent of the term "slang". In addition, it is noted that slangisms exist at the same level of sociolects with jargon, professionalism, and argotism. The most relevant seems to be the idea that slangisms differ from jargonisms in a wider scope of use, and from professionalisms in increased expressiveness. Argotisms mark the speech of socially closed groups, therefore they have a narrow speech implementation.

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