
AbstractThis study aims at improving 0–3 day probabilistic forecasts of precipitation events in Norway. For this purpose a limited‐area ensemble prediction system (LAMEPS) is tested. The horizontal resolution of LAMEPS is 28 km, and there are 31 levels in the vertical. The state variables provided as initial and lateral boundary conditions for the limited‐area forecasts are perturbed using a dedicated version of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) global ensemble prediction system, TEPS. These are constructed by combining initial and evolved singular vectors that at final time (48 h) are targeted to maximize the total energy in a domain containing northern Europe and adjacent sea areas. The resolution of TEPS is T255 with 40 levels. The test period includes 45 cases with 21 ensemble members in each case. We focus on 24 h accumulated precipitation rates with special emphasis on intense events. We also investigate a combination of TEPS and LAMEPS resulting in a system (NORLAMEPS) with 42 ensemble members. NORLAMEPS is compared with the 21‐member LAMEPS and TEPS as well as the regular 51‐member EPS run at ECMWF. The benefit of using targeted singular vectors is seen by comparing the 21‐member TEPS with the 51‐member operational EPS, as TEPS has considerably larger spread between ensemble members. For other measures, such as Brier Skill Score (BSS) and Relative Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, the scores of the two systems are for most cases comparable, despite the difference in ensemble size. NORLAMEPS has the largest ensemble spread of all four ensemble systems studied in this paper, while EPS has the smallest spread. Nevertheless, EPS has higher BSS with NORLAMEPS approaching for the highest precipitation thresholds. For the area under the ROC curve, NORLAMEPS is comparable with or better than EPS for medium to large thresholds. Copyright © 2006 Royal Meteorological Society

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