
Over 90% of human flea-borne rickettsioses cases in California are reported from suburban communities of Los Angeles and Orange counties and are presumed to be associated with either Rickettsia typhi or Rickettsia felis infection. Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché) is considered the principal vector for both rickettsiae, and R. felis has largely replaced R. typhi as the presumptive etiologic agent based on the widespread incidence of R. felis in cat flea populations. However, with no evidence to confirm R. felis as the cause of human illness in southern California, coupled with recent findings that showed R. felis to be widespread in cat fleas statewide, we propose that this hypothesis should be reconsidered. Evidence of only limited numbers of R. typhi-infected cat fleas in the environment may indicate a very rare infection and explain why so few cases of flea-borne rickettsioses are reported each year in southern California relative to the population.

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