
The independence between few-body scales beyond the van der Waals universality is demonstrated for the extreme mass-imbalanced case of a specific many-boson system. This finding generalizes the scaling properties of universal tetramers to a broader class of heterogeneous few-boson systems. We assume two heavy atoms interacting with (N − 2)-lighter ones at the unitary limit, using a particular case where no interactions are active between identical particles, by investigating the interwoven spectra of this many-body system for an arbitrary number of light bosons. A large mass-ratio between the particles allows us to treat this N-body system analytically, by solving an effective inverse-squared long-range interaction which is stablished for the two heavy bosons. For a cluster with N − 2 light bosons (N ⩾ 4), we discuss the implications of the corresponding long-range potentials associated with different subsystem thresholds, implying in independent interwoven limit cycles for the correlation between the energies of excited N-body system. Our study with extreme mass-imbalanced few-boson bound states provides a fundamental understanding of the scaling behavior of their interwoven spectra. The novel insights enlarge the well-known Efimov physics paradigm and show the existence of different limit cycles, which could be probed by new experiments.

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