
LiMg2RuH7 and its deuteride were synthesized by sintering mixtures of LiH, magnesium and ruthenium powders at 500–550 °C and a hydrogen (deuterium) pressure of 120–155 bar, and characterized by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. The yellow powder crystallizes with hexagonal symmetry (space group, P63/mmc; hydride - a = 4.7060(1) Å, c = 10.6960(2) Å; deuteride - a = 4.6998(1) Å, c = 10.6674(3) Å). The structure is an ordered substitution variant of Mg3ReH7. It contains a nearly regular octahedral 18-electron [Ru(II)D6]4− complex with bond distances [Ru-6D1] = 1.704(7) Å, and a deuteride anion D− coordinated in a trigonal bipyramidal configuration by two close magnesium and three distant lithium cations with bond distances [D2-2Mg] = 1.852(6) Å and [D2−3Li] = 2.7134(1) Å respectively.

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