
Selecting and installing a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system and a sludge disposal system at a utility electric generation plant is no easy task. Approximately 21,000 MW of FGD and sludge disposal systems are presently operating with another 28,000 MW of FGD and sludge disposal systems under construction or planned. With the new EPA regulations requiring an FGD system on essentially every new coal-fired utility electric generation unit, the ability to decide on the most advantageous FGD and sludge disposal systems which are technically, economically, and environmentally acceptable can result in savings of $7.40/kW to the utility. This case study describes the step-by-step design decisions and equipment selections for a hypothetical lime FGD and sludge disposal system for a new 500 MW coal-fired electric generation unit. The hypothetical FGD and sludge disposal systems are based on actual installations. This case study demonstrates the methods by which utility personnel can effectively utilize the information contained in the Lime FGD Systems Data Book (FP-1030) and the FGD Sludge Disposal Manual (FP-977) to select the most advantageous lime FGD and sludge disposal systems.

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