
Global climate change in the Arctic has been unfolding more rapidly than in other parts of the world, and its impacts affect vulnerable northern ecosystems, health and well-being of the Northerners, economic sectors and infrastructure in the polar regions of the eight Arctic states. Consequences of climate change for human society are analysed in synergy with ongoing transformations in social, economic and institutional systems in the Arctic region. Their cumulative effect exposes a variety of challenges for sustainable development of the northern communities, regions and countries; it reveals a number of uncertainties in the future pathways within the transformative context, as well as a combination of risks and opportunities for societies; it requires human responses and adaptations to consequences of the Arctic change. Adaptation to climate change in combination with greenhouse gases emission reduction turns into an important component of climate policies and measures of the Arctic states. This article presents innovative results of analysis of the major trends and features in formation of adaptive governance in the Arctic. It emerges to be based on a polycentric design, and particularly, on coordination of response actions at various levels, on interactions and networks of a variety of the Arctic stakeholders, on taking into account local environmental and socio-economic contexts, on combination of multidisciplinary approaches and packaging of governance mechanisms and instruments. The study analyses the major developments and innovations in adaptation approaches, policies, and practices of the Arctic regions in N. America (Canada) and Europe (Norway). Its foci is on assessment of priorities, strategies and planning, institutions, economic instruments, climate services, application of structural measures for disaster risk reduction. It explores possibilities of regional exchange of best practices in the Arctic, and core barriers for success in implementation of adaptation policy options. The role of the Paris agreement in formation and structuring of adaptation policies and measure of the northern regions of the Arctic states is analysed.


  • Consequences of climate change for human society are analysed in synergy with ongoing transformations in social, economic and institutional systems in the Arctic region

  • Their cumulative effect exposes a variety of challenges for sustainable development of the northern communities, regions and countries; it reveals a number of uncertainties in the future pathways within the transformative context, as well as a combination of risks and opportunities for societies; it requires human responses and adaptations to consequences of the Arctic change

  • Adaptation to climate change in combination with greenhouse gases emission reduction turns into an important component of climate policies and measures of the Arctic states

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Brief – Climate Insurance (2017) // The World Bank, December 1, 2017 https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2017/12/01/ climate-insurance, дата обращения 12.12.2019. 5 Wallemacq P. (2018) Economic Losses, Poverty & Disasters 1998–2017, Brussels, Geneva, p. 33. Поэтому последствия изменения климата для общества все чаще рассматриваются в совокупности с воздействием арктических трансформаций в социально-экономических, институциональных, международно-правовых системах [Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic. Последствия климатических изменений и необходимость адаптироваться к ним все чаще рассматриваются исследователями в контексте многообразия драйверов трансформаций, поскольку природные и социально-экономические трансформации происходят одновременно, воздействуя друг на друга и формируя сложные причинноследственные зависимости. Из-за многообразия взаимосвязей проблемы адаптации все чаще оцениваются в междисциплинарном контексте [Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic. Perspectives from the Barents Area 2017; Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic. Наш анализ современной практики адаптации северных регионов арктических стран показывает, что для многих заполярных муниципалитетов вопросы изменения климата не оцениваются как приоритетные по сравнению с более насущными для них задачами обеспечения занятости, образования, пенсий, здравоохранения, развития местной транспортной сети и инфраструктуры, обеспечения безопасности населения; согласно таким приоритетам распределяются и финансовые ресурсы.

24 From Impacts to Adaptation
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