
Since the code LILITA was presented in 1981 by Gomez Del Campo and Stockstad (1981)[1] and used to simulate the emission of light particles in the decay of a compound nucleus, relevant improvements have been made. Revisions leading to LILITA_N97 were begun by G. La Rana (Naples), M. Kaplan (CMU, Pittsburgh, PA), J.M. Alexander (Stony Brook, NY) and continued by the Naples Group (Moro et al., 2012) [2]. In this work new key features of the code consisting of the implementation of transmission coefficients based on global parametrization of the optical model potential, a description of the nuclear shape based on the nuclear stratosphere model, the parallelization of the code and a graphical user interface are presented. We expect that the new code version, LILITA_N21, makes it possible a better reproduction of wide data set from literature. In order to illustrate how this could be achieved, the standard statistical model predictions have been compared with those obtained with the new code features. A single set of parameters of the new code simultaneously well reproduces the neutron, proton and α-particle energy spectra, angular distributions, and multiplicities in the fusion–evaporation channel. By way of example, here the calculations are compared with experimental data of the reaction 60Ni+100Mo at the excitation energy of about 280MeV (Charity et al., 2003) [3]. The capability to reduce the execution time by exploiting the code parallelization is also discussed.

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