
Utilizing NICER observations, we present an analysis of the soft X-ray rebrightening event of GRS 1915+105 observed in 2021. During this event, we observed the emergence of a stable long-lasting low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation (LFQPO) with frequencies ranging from 0.17 to 0.21 Hz. Through a careful spectral analysis, we demonstrate that a low-temperature Compton-thick gas model characterizes the emitted radiation well. By examining the spectrum and identifying numerous absorption lines, we discerned a transition in the wind properties. This transition was marked by a shift from a state characterized by low speed, high column density, and high ionization degree to one featuring still low speed, but low column density and ionization degree. Intriguingly, the presence or absence of the QPO signal is perfectly correlated with these distinct wind characteristics. The low-speed wind observed could be indicative of a ``failed wind,'' while the observed shift implies a transition from a magnetically to a thermally driven wind. Notably, this QPO signal exclusively manifested itself during the magnetically driven phase, suggesting the possibility of a novel perturbation associated with magnetic effects.

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