
Macroscopic image database of Indonesian commercial timber “LignoIndo” has been developed to support the development of a computer vision-based wood identification system. A total of 809 wood species were taken their macroscopic images by using digital loupe at two magnifications: 50 times and 200 times. All of these timber species are Indonesian commercial timber listed in LIU (License Information Unit) in November 2016. Cross section images of 186 wood species listed in the Ministry of Forestry Degree No 163/2003 were also collected by using mobile phone camera that was attached with 60x magnify lens, as the basis data to the mobile application of automatic wood identification tool (AIKO). The number of wood species in this database will continue to grow as the number of commercial wood species increases. Besides, the number of replicates of specimens for each species of wood can also continue to be added to accommodate wood variations in the same species, the same species from different trees, and different geographic locations. This paper presents data collection methods and summaries of wood data that have been collected including trade name, botanical name, family, durability classes, strength classes, commercial class classification, conservation status, and recommended utilization.

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