
Ligictaluridus Beverley-Burton, 1984 has been proposed for ancyrocephalid monogeneans found on North American catfishes (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae). The genus is characterized by the following: penis curved, sclerotized, tubular; accessory piece with proximally articulating base and distally projecting limb of varying size and shape; dorsal and ventral hamuli with slender, curving shaft, dorsal hamuli smaller than ventral; dorsal and ventral transverse bars bowed with flange projecting medianly; larval hooks of variable size and shape. The type species, Ligictaluridus pricei (Mueller, 1936) Beverley-Burton, 1984, together with L. monticellii (Cognetti de Martiis, 1924) n. comb., L. floridanus (Mueller, 1936) Beverley-Burton, 1984, and L. mirabilis (Mueller, 1937) n. comb., is redescribed. The finding of L. monticellii on Ictalurus nebulosus taken in Lake Erie, Ontario, is a new record for North America. All the above species, as well as L. bychowskyi (Price and Mura, 1969) n. comb., are transferred from Cleidodiscus Mueller, 1934. The effects of variable cover-slip pressure and different preservation techniques on the morphology of some of the sclerotized structures are discussed.

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