
In order to solve the problems of high leakage rate, high false detection rate, low detection success rate and large model volume of small targets in the traditional target detection algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aerial images, a lightweight You Only Look Once (YOLO) v8 algorithm model Lightweight (LW)-YOLO v8 is proposed. By increasing the channel attention mechanism Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) module, this method can adaptively improves the model’s ability to extract features from small targets; at the same time, the lightweight convolution technology is introduced into the Conv module, where the ordinary convolution is replaced by the GSConv module, which can effectively reduce the model computational volume; on the basis of the GSConv module, a single aggregation module VoV-GSCSPC is designed to optimize the model structure in order to achieve a higher computational cost-effectiveness. The experimental results show that the LW-YOLO v8 model’s mAP@0.5 metrics on the VisDrone2019 dataset are more favorable than those on the YOLO v8n model, improving by 3.8 percentage points, and the computational amount is reduced to 7.2 GFLOPs. The LW-YOLO v8 model proposed in this work can effectively accomplish the task of detecting small targets in aerial images from UAV at a lower cost.

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