
Lightweight modular schools are in the early phases of being designed and constructed throughout NSW as part of Schools Infrastructure “Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).” This method proposes the use of CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) panels, timber floor and wall cassettes, and/or hybrid systems. Schools Infrastructure NSW has developed, along with PKA Acoustic Consulting’s acoustic input, the “Kit of Parts” catalogue which utilises predetermined set of components that can easily be assembled and constructed. The classroom layout is therefore defined and can be incorporated into the acoustic predictive model. Additionally, the absorption characteristics of lightweight constructions differ to conventional construction and therefore should be considered. This presentation discusses the significance of construction type and fitout finishes, by comparing predicted reverb times of modular lightweight classrooms with in-situ absorptive testing at various cold shell, warm shell, and completed fitout stages of a school classroom and open learning space.

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