
With the development of information technology, the Internet of Things has increasingly entered all aspects of people’s work and life. In the IoT environment, in order to provide better and faster services, while ensuring data integrity, confidentiality and privacy, people put forward higher requirements for the efficiency of encryption algorithms. However, although the traditional encryption algorithm can guarantee the security, it is not suitable for the security of the Internet of Things in terms of encryption efficiency and energy consumption. In this paper, we propose a lightweight packet encryption algorithm based on the Substitution Permutation Network (SPN) structure. The algorithm consists of several P-boxes and S-boxes. It avoids the problems of high energy consumption and low efficiency caused by the large number of rounds of AES algorithm. Based on the SPN-based block cipher, it introduces the S-box and P-box and the multiple-pass authentication encryption scheme. As well, by proving its block cipher variance and linear analysis, the proposed solution is effective and provides sufficient security through authentication and encryption. This algorithm can be used for low-energy and IoT information transmission processes that require only moderate security.

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