
This paper presents CoopREP, a system that provides support for fault replication of concurrent programs, based on cooperative recording and partial log combination. CoopREP employs partial recording to reduce the amount of information that a given program instance is required to store in order to support deterministic replay. This allows to substantially reduce the overhead imposed by the instrumentation of the code, but raises the problem of finding the combination of logs capable of replaying the fault. CoopREP tackles this issue by introducing several innovative statistical analysis techniques aimed at guiding the search of partial logs to be combined and used during the replay phase. CoopREP has been evaluated using both standard benchmarks for multi-threaded applications and a real-world application. The results highlight that CoopREP can successfully replay concurrency bugs involving tens of thousands of memory accesses, reducing logging overhead with respect to state of the art non-cooperative logging schemes by up to 50 times in computationally intensive applications.

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