
In the last few decades, the application of lightweight cold-formed composite steel–concrete structural systems has constantly been increasing within the field of structural engineering. This can be explained by efficient material usage, particularly noticeable when using cold-formed built-up sections and the innovative types of shear connections. This paper summarises an overview of the development of the cold-formed composite steel–concrete floor systems. Additionally, it provides the background, planned activities, and preliminary results of the current LWT-FLOOR project, which is ongoing at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Croatia. The proposed structural system is formed of built-up cold-formed steel beams and cast-in-place concrete slabs that are interconnected using an innovative type of shear connection. Preliminary analytical and numerical results on the system bending capacity are presented. Obtained results are mutually comparable. The resistance of the fixed beam solution is governed by the resistance of the steel beam, while pinned beam solution is governed by the degree of shear connection without the influence of the increased number of spot welds in the steel beam.


  • One of the key strategies to reduce human impact on Earth is to completely rethink our present lifestyle, especially the one led in industrialised countries

  • CoDnucelutositohneisr efficiency, steel–concrete structural systems are increasingly used in the constDruucteiotno itnhdeuirsterfyfiacniednacrye, ssttielletlh–ecosnucbrjeectteosftrinutcetnusrivael sryessetaermchs. aTrehiisnrcerseualtssinfrgolmy used in cthoenisrterfuficciteinotnminatdeurisatlruysaagned, easpreecsiatilllyl twhiethsucobljde-cfotromfeidntbeunilsti-vuep rseecsteioanrcshan

  • Simple and effective connections of the floor system will result in carrying the vertical load and providing a shear diaphragm, which is crucial for the performance of the overall structure

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One of the key strategies to reduce human impact on Earth is to completely rethink our present lifestyle, especially the one led in industrialised countries. One of the critical aspects of this new lifestyle is sustainability, including reducing raw material and energy consumption. This can be achieved through innovations that will maximise the values of the structural components and building materials during their lifecycle. Corrugated web beams represent a relatively new structural system that has emerged in the past two decades and was developed for various applications, i.e., the mainframes of single-storey steel buildings, secondary beams of multi-storey buildings, etc. Corrugated web beams represent a relatively new structural system that has eme8rogfe2d7 in the past two decades and was developed for various applications, i.e., the mainframes of single-storey steel buildings, secondary beams of multi-storey buildings, etc. TThhee ddiimmeennssiioonniinngg ooff ccoorrrruuggaatteedd wweebb bbeeaammss iiss rruulleedd bbyy AAnnnneexx DD ooff tthhee EENN11999933--11--55[[4488––5500]]

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