
The development of IoT applications promotes the generation of large-scale data. In this situation, more and more organizations or institutions are interested in collecting and analyzing these data to obtain high-quality information to serve people’s lives. Nevertheless, existing secure aggregation solutions are mostly proposed under the honest-but-curious threat model, without considering malicious aggregators. Actually, the aggregation node may return tampered or forged aggregation results for vulnerabilities or ulterior motives. It is more challenging to devise efficient verifiable data aggregation due to the characteristics of IoT devices. In this paper, we propose a Lightweight and Verifiable Secure Aggregation Scheme for Multi-dimensional Data in Edge-enhanced IoT (LVSA-MD), which allows the secure aggregation of multi-dimensional data, and the requester can verify the correctness and integrity of the aggregation results. In LVSA-MD, we combine Chinese remainder theorem with secret sharing technique to protect the individual data privacy, as well as reducing the communication overhead. Moreover, by involving homomorphic MAC, we achieve a lightweight verifiable mechanism to ensure the integrity of result. We additionally employ identity-based signature to achieve the source authentication. Detailed security analysis demonstrates that the proposed LVSA-MD achieves the goal of protecting privacy, integrity and authentication. Moreover, extensive theoretical analyses and experimental evaluations show that our LVSA-MD performs efficiently with respect to computation and communication while retaining more desired properties.

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