
Lightning activity in storms with overshooting tops and hail-producing storms over Central Europe is studied, in order to find typical lightning characteristics that can be useful in nowcasting of the severity of the storm and its ability to produce hail. The first part of the study gives the analysis of lightning activity in thunderstorms with overshooting tops (OT) for the warm part of the year (May–September) from 2009 to 2010 over central and southeastern Europe. Deep convective clouds with OT were detected in Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) data, using methods based on the infrared window (IRW, 10.8μm) channel and absorption channels of water vapor (WV, 6.2μm) and ozone (O3, 9.7μm) in the form of brightness temperature differences. The locations and times of the detected OT were compared to the distribution and types of lightning strokes, which were provided by the LINET Lightning Location System. The results show that the spatial distribution of lightning generally coincides with the spatial distribution of the detected OT. The largest numbers of lightning strokes and OT were found in western Hungary, southeastern Austria, northeastern Slovenia and the northern Adriatic. The largest number of OT occurred between 1600 and 1800 UTC, whereas from 0600 to 1000 UTC OT detections were rather rare. Lightning activity showed a similar temporal distribution, with an increase in lightning activity evident at or close to the time of the OT detections. At the time of and close to the location of the OT, the lightning was found to occur well above the tropopause and was clearly related to the OT of cumulonimbus clouds.In the second part of the study, lightning characteristics are studied for 35 events of hail-producing thunderstorms over Croatia in the summer months (May to September), from 2008 to 2012. The lightning distribution, also registered by LINET, was compared to hail parameters based on measurements at the hailpad polygon. A polygon with dimensions of 30km×20km was located in the area of highest average number of days with hail occurrence in the continental part of Croatia. In a majority of the studied cases, the number of total lightning strokes sharply increased slightly before the beginning of hailfall. At the time the hailfall started there is a brief decrease in the number of lightning strokes, followed by a sharp increase shortly after. Additionally, larger hailstones with higher kinetic energy values appeared at the beginning of the hailshower. Microphysical properties of the cloud tops, investigated using MSG SEVIRI 3.9μm reflectivity, i.e. profiles of the effective radii of cloud particles vs. temperature, clearly verify the presence of strong updrafts associated with hail-producing clouds.

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