
This paper is devoted to the extremely important issue of lighting pedestrian and pedestrian-driving routes within a housing estate. Both aspects are discussed with regard to the safety of route users and the potential impact on the natural environment through the phenomenon of light pollution. It was found that most of the outdated high-pressure sodium lamps present in the analysed Podwawelskie housing estate in Kraków do not fulfil their basic purpose, which is to sufficiently illuminate the ground below. Nevertheless, the light of these lamps does not make a noticeable contribution to the basic form of light pollution, which is the city's sky glow. It has been suggested that it would be best to replace these types of lamps with LED lighting, which has already been partly done. The LED lamps provide lighting that is sufficient to ensure the safety of residents. However, their improper installation may cause glare for pedestrians or residents of neighbouring houses. Additionally, their light reflected from an excessively bright pavement makes a significant contribution to the artificial sky glow. Solutions are proposed that minimise the negative impact of this lighting on the environment while ensuring comfort for the residents of the estate, which is in line with the principles of sustainable development.

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