
When cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv Acaia SJC-1) leaves kept in weak light were suddenly exposed to strong red actinic light a spectral absorbance change took place having the following prominent characteristics. (a) It was irreversible within the first four minute period after darkening. (b) The difference in leaf absorbance between illuminated and predarkened leaves had a major peak at 505 nanometers, a minor peak at 465 nanometers, a shoulder around 515 nanometers, and minor troughs at 455 and 480 nanometers. (c) On the basis of its spectral and kinetic characteristics this absorbance change can be readily distinguished from the much faster electrochromic shift which has a peak at 515 nanometers, from the slow, so-called light-scattering change which has a broad peak centered around 535 nanometers and is reversed upon darkening, and from absorbance changes associated with light-induced chloroplast rearrangements. (d) The extent and time course of this absorbance change closely matched that of the deepoxidation of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin in the same leaves. (e) Both the absorbance change and the ability to form zeaxanthin were completely blocked in leaves to which dithiothreitol (DTT) had been provided through the cut petlole. DTT treatment also caused strong inhibition of that component of the 535-nanometer absorbance change which is reversed in less than 4 minutes upon darkening and considered to be caused by increased light scattering. Moreover, DTT inhibited a large part of nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in the presence of excessive light. However, DTT had no detectable effect on the photon yield of photosynthesis measured under strictly rate-limiting photon flux densities or on the light-saturated photosynthetic capacity, at least in the short term. We conclude that it is possible to monitor light-induced violaxanthin de-epoxidation in green intact leaves by measurement of the absorbance change at 505 nanometers. Determination of absorbance changes in conjunction with measurements of photosynthesis in the presence and absence of DTT provide a system well suited for future studies of meachanisms of dissipation of excessive excitation energy in intact leaves.

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