
Abstrac t: The study deals with the change of light-trap catch of the Turnip Moth ( Agrotis segetum Den. et Schiff.), in connection with the horizontal comp onent of geomagnetic field and the moon phases. The numbers of specimens caught by generation relative catch values were calculated. These hourly relative catch data were assigned to the hourly values of ho rizontal component of geomagnetic field. They were separated by the moonlit and moonless hours of the four quarter of the Moon (New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter) were classified. We correlated the hourly catch results pertaining to the hourly values of both the horizontal component and moonlit or moonless hours of four moon quarters. After tha t we made correlation calculations to demonstrate the as sumed connection. Our calculations have shown that in the period of the New Moon when there is no measurable moonlight, the higher values of the horizontal component are accompanied by a falling relative cat ch. In the other moon phases, i.e. in the First Qua rter, Full Moon and the Last Quarter, growing values of t he horizontal component are accompanied by an increasing catch in both the moonlit and moonless h ours.

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