
A film samp le is prep ared for poly (cyanobip heny l ethy lacrylat e), abbreviat ed t o PCB2A, t o invest igat e t ransparent /op aque change in resp onse t o t hermal hist ory. PCB2A is t hermot rop ic typ e liquid cryst al, t he dist ance is not far bet ween glass t rans it ion t emp erature (T g) and the nemat ic– isot ropic trans it ion t emp erature (T NI) . T he kinet ics from isotrop ic t o nemat ic phase st rongly dep end on t he molecular weight(Mw ) If Mw is high, t he t rans it ion becomes s low dynamics ; for examp le, it t akes more than 60min from isot ropic to nemat ic phase by t he t emp erat ure jump. T his large t ime lag enables us t o cont rol t he transp arency of PCB2A film by means of a s imple thermal treat ment s light ly below T N-I . T he results of t he measurement of transmitt ed light volume for films p repared from samp les of different Mw can be int erpret ed in t erms of the kinet ics of isot ropic-nemat ic p hase trans it ion.

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