
AbstractAs a major entry mode of global strategy of Chinese MNCs, Chinese cross‐border merger and acquisition (M&A) is still a less understood phenomenon, in particular the post acquisition phase. This study contributes to this rising, important and interesting phenomenon utilizing an explorative research method. By integrating synergy potential, culture influences and the learning perspective, we suggest a multilevel perspective in understanding Chinese cross‐border M&A. A novel post acquisition integration approach, namely light‐touch integration, is investigated, and supported by newly assembled empirical evidence in the context of Chinese M&A in Germany. Light‐touch integration essentially synthesizes the preservation and symbiosis integration approaches due to the contextual characteristics of Chinese cross‐border M&A, such as cultural influences and the learning perspective. Understanding the cultural and learning influences can facilitate and smooth the activities involved in the post acquisition phase. The light‐touch integration approach offers ample opportunities for joint collaborations between and mutual benefits for acquiring firms, acquired targets and third party organizations. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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