
AbstractThe propagation of light in the Born–Infeld (BI) background as seen by an accelerated observer is examined. In a Born–Infeld electromagnetic field, light trajectories are governed by the null geodesics of the effective optical metric. The accelerated observer is in a Rindler frame, a situation that, according to the Einstein equivalence principle, is equivalent to being in a uniform gravitational field. The phase velocity of light propagating through a purely magnetic or electric BI background is determined as measured by the Rindler observer. The BI field and the acceleration of the frame have opposite effects on the propagating light; while the intense electric or magnetic BI background decreases the velocity of light, in the accelerated frame light may exceed its velocity in vacuum. Light propagating parallel or transversal to the acceleration direction of the Rindler frame is considered. The redshift of light pulses sent from one Rindler observer to another in the BI background is also calculated.

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