
AbstractPrevious studies have demonstrated the presence of a light‐dependent magnetic compass in a urodele amphibian, the eastern red‐spotted newt Notophthalmus viridescens, mediated by extraocular photoreceptors located in or near the pineal organ. Newts tested under long‐wavelength (≥500 nm) light exhibited a 90° shift in the direction of orientation relative to newts tested under full spectrum (white) or short‐wavelength light. Here we report that bullfrog tadpoles Rana catesbeiana (an anuran amphibian) exhibit a 90° shift in the direction of magnetic compass orientation under long‐wavelength (≥500 nm) light similar to that observed in newts, suggesting that a common light‐dependent mechanism mediates these responses. These findings suggest that a light‐dependent magnetic compass may have been the ancestral state in this group of vertebrates.

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