
The nano-scopic light collection is investigated for the Active Matrix Flat-Panel Imagers (AMFPIs). The simulations using two kinds of screens are shown for light collection of x-rays. Enhancement of the light collection is accomplished by the microlens system incorporated with x-ray detector. For digital radiographic and mammographic applications, indirect detection imagers use Gd 2O 2S:Tb or CsI:Tl scintillation screens to convert the x-ray into visible photons. The light collection efficiencies for Gd 2O 2S and CsI are obtained. In Gd 2O 2S, the 27 kVp and 82 μm are the highest light collection cases in both Lambertian and Isotropic geometries. In CsI, 20 keV and 150 μm case have the highest light collection efficiency. So, x-ray energy and scintillator thicknesses are considered as the optimized light collection. The optimum thickness and x-ray energy combination are used for the detector of this study. In this paper, it is concluded that the screens between 17 kVp and 25 kVp have higher light collections, which could be considered as the clinical purposes if it is necessary. This energy range is compared with other energy cases, which are examined in the study.

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