
Decorin and biglycan are the predominant proteoglycans (PGs) isolated from bone of several animal species. Previous light microscope (LM) immunohistochemical studies of fetal human bone demonstrated that osteoid and osteoblasts reacted with both biglycan and decorin antibodies, but min-eralized matrix did not; however, the precise distribution of immunostaining was not examined at the electron microscope (EM) level. The present study examines LM and EM immunolocalization of decorin and biglycan in osteoblasts and early bone matrix of developing mandible of fetal rats, using polyclonal antibodies (LF113, LF106) directed against synthetic peptides corresponding to nonho-mologous regions of the two core proteins.Fetuses were collected at embryonic day 15-18 from pregnant Wistar rats. After aldehyde fixation, developing jaws with and without osmium post-fixation were dehydrated, and embedded in paraffin, Spurr's resin, or LR gold resin for morphological and immunohistochemical observations. Sections cut from paraffin- or LR gold resin-embedded specimens were immunostained with LF113 specific for rat decorin or LF106 specific for rat biglycan, which were kindly provided by Dr. L.W. Fisher, National Institute of Dental Research, NIH, Maryland.

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