
The various forms of treatment and the varied surgical operations for the removal of fibroid tumors of the uterus has, in the past decade, been one of the most prolific subject of discussion in medical circles and the end is not yet. Abdominal hysterectomy—supravaginal amputation, with or without the clamp, or extirpation through the vagina by morcellement, each have their advocates; while other operators of note advise women with uterine fibroids which are giving no special distress to leave them alone. A certain proportion of uterine myo-fibromas produce symptoms which necessitate some operative procedure for their relief. Often the distress is occasioned by the association of a pus tube or an ovarian abscess, the diseased appendages, not the tumor, being the cause of pain and ill health. Should an operator in such a case do a total extirpation? The operation done must fit the case and its varying conditions. If

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