
Molybdenum-dependent nitrogenases catalyze the transformation of dinitrogen into ammonia under ambient conditions. The active site (FeMo cofactor) is the structurally and electronically complex weak-field metal cluster [MoFe7S9C] built of Fe4S3 and MoFe3S3C portions connected by three sulfur bridges and containing an interstitial carbon atom centered in an Fe6 trigonal prism. Chemical synthesis of this cluster is a major challenge in biomimetic inorganic chemistry. One synthetic approach of core ligand metathesis has been developed based on the design and synthesis of unprecedented incomplete ([(Tp*)WFe2S3Q3]-) and complete ([(Tp*)WFe3S3Q4]2-) cubane-type clusters containing bridging halide (Q = halide). These clusters are achieved by template-assisted assembly in the presence of sodium benzophenone ketyl reductant; products are controlled by reaction stoichiometry. Incomplete cubane clusters are subject to a variety of metathesis reactions resulting in substitution of a μ2-bridging ligand with other bridges such as N3-, MeO-, and EtS- Reactions of complete cubanes with Me3SiN3 and S8 undergo a redox metathesis process and lead to core ligand displacement and formation of [(Tp*)WFe3S3(μ3-Q)Cl3]- (Q = Me3SiN2-, S2-). This work affords entry to a wide variety of heteroleptic clusters derivable from incomplete and complete cubanes; examples are provided. Among these is the cluster [(Tp*)WFe3S3(μ3-NSiMe3)Cl3]-, one of the very few instances of a synthetic Fe-S cluster containing a light atom (C, N, O) in the core, which constitutes a close mimic of the [MoFe3S3C] fragment in FeMo cofactor. Superposition of them and comparison of metric information disclose a clear structural relationship [Tp* = tris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)hydroborate(1-)].

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