
Since the spring of 2014, the authors of this article, joined by a wider group of students, have been dedicated to researching vulnerable families and their involvement with education systems. In the initial phase, we explored the experiences and challenges that these families face and how they understand and address these challenges. Next, we were interested in the forms of support that these families receive, how the network of educational and social welfare services responds to their needs, and the quality of their cooperation.We found that both the families and the expert services experience dissatisfaction when it comes to their cooperation: families often feel that they are being sent from one door to another with their problems, which remain unaddressed, while expert services feel that they cannot cope with the problems of vulnerable families, problems that they view as insoluble.Our pivotal finding is therefore that it is vital to develop more flexible and consistent forms of support that respond to the concerns and challenges of the daily lives of vulnerable families (Razpotnik et al. 2015). In the action research reported on in the present article, we have focused on investigating the development of a newly emerging flexible and comprehensiveform of family support that was co-initiated by ourselves (the researchers) and primarily implemented by volunteers and NGO workers. The main characteristics of this support are flexibility, presence in the daily lives of the family, building a cooperative relationship, and prioritising the dynamics and needs of the family rather than the formal demands of organisations and institutions.The article delineates the emerging approach of lifeworld-oriented support, which is implemented and reported on first and foremost by the volunteers involved. Lifeworld-oriented support is a supplementary addition to conventional forms of family support, represented and reported on predominantly by representatives of educational and social welfare organisations.


  • Our research includes the case conference method, which centres on a particular aspect or problem, and takes the form of an organised meeting of everyone involved in the vulnerable families study, with the purpose of presenting findings, comparing professional opinions, perspectives and approaches, co-creating the conditions for team-based methods, and encouraging coordination and compatibility in order to find more flexible and comprehensive responses to the challenges and needs of the families

  • We briefly introduce participatory action research (PAR), which forms the background of the present article, in which we focus on one specific case

  • What follows is an exposition of the key themes that emerged through an analysis of the documents collected in the process of participatory action research, and according to the research questions set in the present article

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Podporno vstopanje v življenjski prostor družin

Skupina avtoric tega članka skupaj s širšo skupino sodelujočih študentk in študentov se od spomladi 2014 posveča raziskovanju ranljivih družin in njihove vpetosti v podporne vzgojno-izobraževalne sisteme. Naša ključna ugotovitev je bila, da obstoječe podporne ponudbe potreb ranljivih družin pogosto ne dosežejo ter da bi bilo za dosego in naslovitev njihovih potreb nujno razviti prožnejše in usklajenejše oblike podpore, ki bi se odzivale na zaznane stiske ter izzive v njihovem vsakodnevnem življenju (Razpotnik, Turnšek, Rapuš Pavel in Poljšak Škraban, 2015). V naslednji fazi raziskovanja, v akcijski raziskavi, o kateri poročamo na tem mestu, smo se usmerile v raziskovanje pa tudi podporo razvoju že obstoječih, porajajočih se alternativnih oblik podpore, katerih temeljne značilnosti so: prožnost, prisotnost v vsakodnevnem življenju družine, čim bolj sprotno odzivanje na potrebe, grajenje sodelujočega odnosa, dajanje prednosti dinamiki in potrebam družine pred formalnimi institucionalnimi/organizacijskimi zahtevami. V članku utemeljujemo akcijski razvoj prožnejše in celostnejše oblike podpore družini, katere soiniciatorke smo raziskovalke same, njeni glavni nosilci pa prostovoljke in prostovoljci ter delavke in delavci c e p s Journal | Vol.6 | No4 | Year 2016 117. Ključne besede: ranljive družine, podpora, socialna pedagogika, usmerjenost v življenjsko polje, družinska konferenca

Theoretical introduction
Drawing on family resources and family empowerment
Case conferences and family conferences
The model of housing support conducted by the NGO
Objectives and research questions
Between structure and flexibility
Flexible care for families within their living environment
Biographical note
Full Text
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