
Lifetime measurements using the beam-foil technique have been performed for doubly-excited states in lithium. Decay curves for almost every transition known to belong to the doubly-excited system have been recorded. The measurements confirm the assignments of transitions from the 2p3s 4P0, 2p3d 4D0 and 2p4d 4D0 levels. To determine the lifetime for the 2s3s 4S level it was necessary to perform a cascade subtraction, since it was found that the exponential corresponding to the primary decay was cancelled due to the cascading. The lifetimes obtained for the low-lying levels 2s3s 4S, 2p2 4P and 2s3d 4D are in very good agreement with theory. The lifetime measurements are used for discussion of assignments of transitions in the quartet and doublet level scheme of Li I.

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