
The P̄ANDA experiment at FAIR will use DIRC detectors for the separation of hadrons. The compactness of the P̄ANDA detector requires the image planes of these detectors to be placed inside the magnetic field of the solenoid. Due to this and other boundary conditions MCP-PMTs were identified as the only suitable photon sensors. Until recently the major obstacle for an application of MCP-PMTs in high rate experiments like P̄ANDA were serious aging problems which led to damage at the photo-cathode and a fast declining quantum efficiency as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increased. With new countermeasures against the aging, in particular due to the application of an atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique to coat the MCP pores, the lifetime of MCP-PMTs has meanwhile increased by a factor >50 which is fully sufficient for P̄ANDA. The recent results of our long-term lifetime measurements are discussed. New 2-inch MCP-PMT prototypes from Hamamatsu show an encouraging behavior. However, the currently best performing MCP-PMT is a 2-inch PHOTONIS tube with two ALD-layers which reaches an IAC of >16 C/cm2 without any visible sign of aging. In the second part of these proceedings a new data acquisition system of the PADIWA/TRB type is presented which allows a quasi-parallel measurement of many MCP-PMT performance parameters. Especially unwanted effects like dark-count rate, crosstalk, ion after-pulsing, and recoil electrons can be studied in more detail than ever before. Exemplary results for these parameters are shown. The discussed DAQ system will be used for the comprehensive data quality checks of the MCP-PMTs being built into the DIRCs.

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