
The interaction between humans and the environment, including social one, determines their behavior, particularly those associated with general forms of life. Among social forms of life, lifestyle occupies an important place in terms of possibility to influence social development as a whole. The way of life presupposes the stability and sustainability of human existence. At the same time, the nature of the formation of a way of life leads to the need to solve a number of social problems. They are associated with the nature and content of labor, a person's place in the social structure of society. The needs and interests of people play an important role here. Modern trends in the globalization of public relations, the environmental crisis and the struggle for resources predetermine the nature of social problems associated with lifestyle. In Azerbaijan, along with traditional features, the way of life reflects such realities as the Karabakh war, the impact of the market economy, information and communication technologies, and general trends in the globalization of social life. The issues of forced migration due to the Karabakh conflict, the standard of living, the level of development of education and culture, the need to improve the environment, upgrade the structure of needs, both material and spiritual, are among the social problems that need to be solved for improving the way of life and await their solution. These problems require a detailed sociological analysis. First, it is necessary to clarify the content of the main categories associated with these problems.

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