
Objectives: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in adulthood often have origins in childhood and adolescent lifestyle behaviors. The COVID pandemic has had a profound impact on people worldwide due to lockdowns and restrictions. The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the change in lifestyle and dietary preferences of schoolgoing adolescents in Oman during the COVID outbreak. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among adolescents attending a school in Oman using an online questionnaire. Results: Of the 59 students participating in the pilot survey, the majority (62.7%) felt that their weight was correct; however, 55.8% were still trying to change their weight. Females were 12 times more likely to attempt weight-maintaining/change measures as compared to males. About 55% of students did not consume breakfast regularly; females were more likely to skip breakfast as compared to males. The recommended dietary requirements for daily fruit (>2 times per day) and vegetable (>3 times per day) intake were followed by 59.3% and 27.2% of students, respectively. Only one-fourth of students (25.4%) fulfilled the recommendation of >60 min of physical activity daily; males were 1.5 times more likely to engage in physical activity than females. Two-thirds of students (67.8%) spent an average of 3–6 h/day in sedentary activities. Conclusions: Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as skipping breakfast, reduced intake of fruits and vegetables, and reduced physical activity were noted in adolescent schoolgoing children during COVID in Oman. This increases the risk of NCDs in the long term, thus necessitating intervention in childhood and adolescence. Policymakers should focus on health programs and campaigns toward increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles and dietary behaviors, especially during the pandemic to inculcate healthy habits from an early age.

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