
Exfoliative erythroderma, or diffuse erythema and scaling of the skin, may be the morphologic presentation of a variety of cutaneous and systemic diseases. Establishing the diagnosis of the underlying disease is often difficult and, not uncommonly, erythroderma is classified as idiopathic. Several cases are presented to demonstrate the diversity of presentation of this disease. Laboratory findings are typically unhelpful in establishing the etiology of erythroderma. Clinical data combined with multiple skin biopsies over time are necessary. Systemic complications of erythroderma include infection, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, thermoregulatory disturbance, high output cardiac failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The initial approach to the management of erythroderma of any etiology includes attention to nutrition, fluid and electrolyte replacement, and the institution of gentle local skin care measures. Oatmeal baths and wet dressings to weeping or crusted sites should be followed by application of bland emollients and low-potency topical corticosteroids. Systemic dermatologic therapy may be required to maintain improvement achieved with local measures or to control erythroderma refractory to local measures. The prognosis of erythroderma is dependent on the underlying etiology.

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